domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

In the process of learning

Dear students,
you must know that for us, teachers, you are the most important in the process of teahing-learning. Remember that most of the time, knowledge lies inside you and it is just a matter of fact that you have come to us to be enroll in trying to develop the capabilities to speak a foreign language. Go on working hard, Lord has giving you, many opportunities to grow inside and to buiold up a great future. Let's continuo learning and sharing our thoughts.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009


Here we are to share the opportunity of improving what we already know. English is an easy language to learn and a necessary one to practice. As everybody knows, at present English is spoken all over the world and has become almost a requirement wherever you go to look for a job. There are four English teachers in our team and all of us want to read your comments as we consider others' thoughts a constructive way on the path to grow up in all the steps human beings need to improve the quality of life.